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Sharing new full body workouts 5 - 6 days a week that you can do at home with minimal equipment. Workouts for all fitness levels, non competitive and go at your own pace.

Focusing on:

* Building your core strength

* Realigning your posture

* Balancing the body (strengths / weaknesses, tightness / hypermobility)

* Connecting with the body and being present in the workouts

(All movements and workouts have a detailed demo, instruction and modifications for different fitness levels and injures.)

mind-body connection

"Your inner strength is your outer foundation"

- Allan Rufus

Discovering the powerful connection between the mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Sharing powerful intentions in every workout that helps you connect your mind and body.

Learning what messages your body is showing you about your life, your habits and behaviours and how to transform them and who you are being simultaneously through aligning your posture.

Focusing on building:

* Internal strength

* Self empowerment

Self confidence

* Boundaries

* Core strength

* Feeling grounded physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually


A  community filled with like minded souls supporting each other daily!

A community focused on building inner strength, self empowerment, confidence and core strength!


Built in accountability with the community through sharing your experience, your ahahs and your reuslts! Supporting each others wins!

Seeing each other in your power and strength!

Encouraging and motivating each other everyday!

Monthly Membership - $25.00

Monthly subscription, option to cancel anytime with 30 days notice

Sign up and then click here to join the community facebook group
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