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My Sensitivity became my super power

From a young age I was shamed for being too sensitive and too emotional but now it's my SUPER POWER to help awaken the Feminine Factor within you! On my journey of self discovery, health & fitness and spirituality something just didn't sit well with me. I could feel it in every cell of my body. I always kept coming back to the feeling that I was being shamed the more I did my self growth work. It kept coming back for a reason.... My body, my emotions, my Feminine essence was speaking to me and saying that this work you are doing is coming from a place of SHAME! I ignored the messages for quite some time and the pain and health issues got louder, and so did the "dys-regulated" emotions. It's because I was believing all the messages I was receiving from my mentors, coaches and the gurus I followed. I was believing that I needed to do all this work to be healed and my emotions needed to be regulated. It seemed that the more I learned, the more sensitive and emotional I became. The more I learned about trauma and did my "trauma work", the more I felt traumatized. The more I tried to regulate my emotions, the more dys-regulated they became. My Feminine was trying to get my attention! She was saying... "I don't need to be healed. I don't need to be regulated.

I don't need to be transmuted or recoded.

JUST STOP! I have been shamed enough in my life.

There is another way!

Please just let me be ME!" And so the Feminine Factor program was birthed. I now see why I have been so sensitive and so emotional.

I am here to shift the paradigm around emotions.

I am here to shift the paradigm around the feminine!

I could feel this call in every cell of my body! The time is now and I can't ignore it anymore! I am here to help you remember and reclaim the power of your Feminine, your Emotions! I am here to help you remove the shame programming from your being! I am here to help you build a new, synergistic relationship between your masculine and feminine energies. I am here to help you build a new, synergistic relationship between your mind and your emotions.

I am here to help you make your emotions and sensitivity YOUR SUPER POWER TOO! I am here to help you bring unconditional love to all parts of yourself to create the life of your dreams! Are you ready to reclaim YOUR POWER and say YES to your Feminine? XO Deanna Lynn

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