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Why I was able to reach my fitness goals, but not other goals

As I looked back on the times I was able to reach my goals, I was really confused as to why I was able to reach most of my fitness goals and not other goals.

I thought, well maybe it was because...

I wanted those goals more?

I loved health and fitness?

I was a trainer / coach and needed to be an example?

But that was not true. I wanted my other goals just as much, if not more!

So what was the difference?


The next most important part of reaching your goals is aligning your internal and your external environment to your goals.

Our external environment really impacts our internal environment. It is called Epigenectics.

What I realized was, because I owned a gym and it was my home away from home, I was surrounded by an environment that was conducive to reaching those goals internally and externally.

Not only was I leading other's to reach their goals, but I was surrounded by people who were reaching the goals I desired to reach and I was working towards them daily.

* I was surrounded by a community that were aligned to my goals.

* My work place and home away from home, was aligned to my goals.

* My habits - nutrition, supplementation, mindset and workout program was aligned to my goals.

Now fast forward to selling my gym and focusing on non-fitness type goals, I can see how my external environment was not aligned to the goals I was trying to reach.

* I was not surrounded by other people creating soul-led businesses.

* I was not surrounded by other successful entrepreneurs.

* I was not surrounded by other people who were doing the self growth and spiritual work.

* I was not surrounded by healthy people.

* I was not surrounded by positive, motivating or inspirational people.

So trying to reach my goals took every ounce of my energy because I was going against the natural energy I was surrounded by in my environment.

Everything is energy and it does have a huge impact on you! Take this from personal experience, trying to be a hero and realign your internal environment while being surrounded by an external environment that is the opposite as your goals is like trying to go against the current, against gravity. It can happen, but it will take all of your willpower, internal strength, a regulated nervous system, hella support and a positive mindset.

Reaching your goals does not have to be that hard. It doesn't have to be a force. It can be simple and easy!

I highly recommend as you set your goals for the New Year, really look to see if your external environment is aligned to your goals or are you forcing against the dominant energy of your external environment?

If you enjoyed today and yesterday's goal setting tip, stay tuned for the last tip tomorrow.


Deanna Lynn

PS - If you would like support, I am offering a complimentary clarity session to help you finally reach your goals in 2022! If this is something that calls to your soul, please send me an email sharing what your biggest struggle in reaching your goals is and we will book a time to connect.

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