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Why I didn't reach my goals last year (or years before)!

Over the years, I have had a lot of inconsistency with reaching goals, not just New Years goals, all goals. It felt like I was working really hard to make them happen, but at the end of the year I was still in the same place as the beginning of the year. I used to think... "Ok, I need to work even harder to reach my goals" "This is going to be MY year! I can feel it!" ... And then it's not. This year was different though... Not because I reached ALL my goals (and there were lots of them), but because I finally understood why I was not reaching my goals for all these years and it had nothing to do with not having enough passion for it, not wanting it bad enough or not working hard enough to make it happen. I learned that something was going on internally, on a unconscious level, that was actually going against the goals I wanted to achieve. Some would call that "Self Sabotage." But because it was happening on an unconscious level, I don't see it as a sabotage. It had a purpose, a purpose I was unaware of. What I realized is that there was an unconscious need that was getting met by not reaching the goals or instead all of my energy was going towards another goal, unconsciously. This is what creates that loving energy of forcing things which can lead to struggle and burnout. It is an internal battle that is created because there is the conscious part of yourself that wants one thing and the unconscious part that wants something else. Guess who wins? The unconscious unfortunately, because our conscious mind is only in the drivers seat about 10% of the time. It can sure feel like a losing battle at times. Or you end up burning yourself out trying to force yourself to reach those goals and then you are forced to stop. Wouldn't it be great to meet the needs and goals of all your parts, conscious and unconscious? So what was the solution? I discovered what that unconscious part was needing. I learned ways to get those needs met consciously. I learned how to integrate those needs with my conscious goals. This is just one part of the amazing lessons I learned to help me reach my goals. Stay tuned for the next tip tomorrow! So what are your conscious (and unconscious) goals for 2022? Knowing this will give this year a real fighting chance! Xo Deanna Lynn PS - If you would like support, I am offering a complimentary clarity session to help you finally reach your goals in 2022! If this is something that calls to your soul, please send me an email sharing what your biggest struggle in reaching your goals is and we will book a time to connect.

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